
class pyga.requests.Config

Configurations for Google Analytics: Server Side

Properties: error_severity – How strict should errors get handled? After all,

we do just do some tracking stuff here, and errors shouldn’t break an application’s functionality in production. RECOMMENDATION: Exceptions during deveopment, warnings in production.
queue_requests – Whether to just queue all requests on
and actually send them on shutdown after all other tasks are done. This has two advantages: 1) It effectively doesn’t affect app performance 2) It can e.g. handle custom variables that were set after scheduling a request
fire_and_forget – Whether to make asynchronous requests to GA without
waiting for any response (speeds up doing requests).
logging_callback – Logging callback, registered via setLoggingCallback().
Will be fired whenever a request gets sent out and receives the full HTTP request as the first and the full HTTP response (or null if the “fireAndForget” option or simulation mode are used) as the 2nd argument.
request_timeout – Seconds (float allowed) to wait until timeout when
connecting to the Google analytics endpoint host.
endpoint – Google Analytics tracking request endpoint. Can be set to null to
silently simulate (and log) requests without actually sending them.
anonimize_ip_address – Whether to anonymize IP addresses within Google Analytics
by stripping the last IP address block, will be mapped to “aip” parameter.
site_speed_sample_rate – Defines a new sample set size (0-100) for
Site Speed data collection. By default, a fixed 1% sampling of your site visitors make up the data pool from which the Site Speed metrics are derived.
class pyga.requests.EventRequest(config, tracker, visitor, session, event)

Marker implementation

class pyga.requests.GIFRequest(config)

Properties: type – Indicates the type of request, will be mapped to “utmt” parameter config – base.Config object x_forwarded_for – user_agent – User Agent String


Marker implementation


Simply delegates to send() if config option “queue_requests” is disabled else enqueues the request into Q object: you should call pyga.shutdowon as last statement, to actually send out all queued requests.

class pyga.requests.ItemRequest(config, tracker, visitor, session, item)

The GA Javascript client doesn’t send any custom variables for e-commerce requests, so we don’t either.


Marker implementation


The GA Javascript client doesn’t send any visitor information for e-commerce requests, so we don’t either.

class pyga.requests.PageViewRequest(config, tracker, visitor, session, page)

Marker implementation

class pyga.requests.Parameters

This simple class is mainly meant to be a well-documented overview of all possible GA tracking parameters.

General Parameters: utmwv – Google Analytics client version utmac – Google Analytics account ID utmhn – Host Name utmt – Indicates the type of request, which is one of null (for page),

“event”, “tran”, “item”, “social”, “var” (deprecated) or “error” (used by ga.js for internal client error logging).

utms – Contains the amount of requests done in this session. Added in ga.js v4.9.2. utmn – Unique ID (random number) generated for each GIF request utmcc – Contains all cookie values, see below utme – Extensible Parameter, used for events and custom variables utmni – Event “non-interaction” parameter. By default, the event hit will impact a visitor’s bounce rate.

By setting this parameter to 1, this event hit will not be used in bounce rate calculations.

aip – Whether to anonymize IP addresses within Google Analytics by stripping the last IP address block, either null or 1 utmu – Used for GA-internal statistical client function usage and error tracking,

not implemented in php-ga as of now, but here for documentation completeness.

Page Parameters: utmp – Page request URI utmdt – Page title utmcs – Charset encoding (default “-“) utmr – Referer URL (default “-” or “0” for internal purposes)

Visitor Parameters: utmip – IP Address of the end user, found in GA for Mobile examples, but sadly seems to be ignored in normal GA use utmul – Visitor’s locale string (all lower-case, country part optional) utmfl – Visitor’s Flash version (default “-“) utmje – Visitor’s Java support, either 0 or 1 (default “-“) utmsc – Visitor’s screen color depth utmsr – Visitor’s screen resolution _utma – Visitor tracking cookie parameter.

Session Parameters: utmhid – Hit id for revenue per page tracking for AdSense, a random per-session ID _utmb – Session timeout cookie parameter. _utmc – Session tracking cookie parameter. utmipc – Product Code. This is the sku code for a given product. utmipn – Product Name utmipr – Unit Price. Value is set to numbers only. utmiqt – Unit Quantity. utmiva – Variations on an item. utmtid – Order ID. utmtst – Affiliation utmtto – Total Cost utmttx – Tax Cost utmtsp – Shipping Cost utmtci – Billing City utmtrg – Billing Region utmtco – Billing Country

Campaign Parameters: utmcn – Starts a new campaign session. Either utmcn or utmcr is present on any given request,

but never both at the same time. Changes the campaign tracking data; but does not start a new session. Either 1 or not set. Found in gaforflash but not in ga.js, so we do not use it, but it will stay here for documentation completeness.
utmcr – Indicates a repeat campaign visit. This is set when any subsequent clicks occur on the
same link. Either utmcn or utmcr is present on any given request, but never both at the same time. Either 1 or not set. Found in gaforflash but not in ga.js, so we do not use it, but it will stay here for documentation completeness.

utmcid – Campaign ID, a.k.a. “utm_id” query parameter for ga.js utmcsr – Source, a.k.a. “utm_source” query parameter for ga.js utmgclid – Google AdWords Click ID, a.k.a. “gclid” query parameter for ga.js utmdclid – Not known for sure, but expected to be a DoubleClick Ad Click ID. utmccn – Name, a.k.a. “utm_campaign” query parameter for ga.js utmcmd – Medium, a.k.a. “utm_medium” query parameter for ga.js utmctr – Terms/Keywords, a.k.a. “utm_term” query parameter for ga.js utmcct – Ad Content Description, a.k.a. “utm_content” query parameter for ga.js utmcvr – Unknown so far. Found in ga.js. _utmz – Campaign tracking cookie parameter.

Social Tracking Parameters: utmsn – The network on which the action occurs utmsa – The type of action that happens utmsid – The page URL from which the action occurred.

Google Website Optimizer (GWO) parameters: _utmx – Website Optimizer cookie parameter.

Custom Variables parameters (deprecated): _utmv – Deprecated custom variables cookie parameter.


Get all gif request parameters out of the class in a dict form. Attributes starting with _ are cookie names, so we dont need them.

utmcvr = None

Campaign tracking cookie parameter.

This cookie stores the type of referral used by the visitor to reach your site, whether via a direct method, a referring link, a website search, or a campaign such as an ad or an email link.

It is used to calculate search engine traffic, ad campaigns and page navigation within your own site. The cookie is updated with each page view to your site.

Expiration: 6 months from set/update.

Format: __utmz=<domainHash>.<campaignCreation>.<campaignSessions>.<responseCount>.<campaignTracking>

utmhid = None

Session timeout cookie parameter __utmb

Will never be sent with requests, but stays here for documentation completeness.

This cookie is used to establish and continue a user session with your site. When a user views a page on your site, the Google Analytics code attempts to update this cookie. If it does not find the cookie, a new one is written and a new session is established.

Each time a user visits a different page on your site, this cookie is updated to expire in 30 minutes, thus continuing a single session for as long as user activity continues within 30-minute intervals.

This cookie expires when a user pauses on a page on your site for longer than 30 minutes. You can modify the default length of a user session with the setSessionTimeout() method.

Expiration: 30 minutes from set/update.

Format: __utmb=<domainHash>.<trackCount>.<token>.<lastTime>

utmsid = None

Website Optimizer cookie parameter.

This cookie is used by Website Optimizer and only set when Website Optimizer is used in combination with GA. See the Google Website Optimizer Help Center for details.

Expiration: 2 years from set/update.

utmsr = None

Visitor tracking cookie __utma

This cookie is typically written to the browser upon the first visit to your site from that web browser. If the cookie has been deleted by the browser operator, and the browser subsequently visits your site, a new __utma cookie is written with a different unique ID.

This cookie is used to determine unique visitors to your site and it is updated with each page view. Additionally, this cookie is provided with a unique ID that Google Analytics uses to ensure both the validity and accessibility of the cookie as an extra security measure.

Expiration: 2 years from set/update. Format: __utma=<domainHash>.<uniqueId>.<firstTime>.<lastTime>.<currentTime>.<sessionCount>

class pyga.requests.Request(config, tracker, visitor, session)
TYPE_SOCIAL = 'social'

This type of request is deprecated in favor of encoding custom variables within the “utme” parameter, but we include it here for completeness


Marker implementation

class pyga.requests.SocialInteractionRequest(config, tracker, visitor, session, social_interaction, page)

Marker implementation

class pyga.requests.Tracker(account_id='', domain_name='', conf=None)

Act like a Manager of all files

Properties: account_id – Google Analytics account ID, will be mapped to “utmac” parameter domain_name – Host Name, will be mapped to “utmhn” parameter allow_hash – Whether to generate a unique domain hash,

default is true to be consistent with the GA Javascript Client

custom_variables – CustomVariable instances campaign – Campaign instance


Equivalent of _setCustomVar() in GA Javascript client


Equivalent of _deleteCustomVar() in GA Javascript client.

track_event(event, session, visitor)

Equivalent of _trackEvent() in GA Javascript client.

track_pageview(page, session, visitor)

Equivalent of _trackPageview() in GA Javascript client.

track_social(social_interaction, page, session, visitor)

Equivalent of _trackSocial() in GA Javascript client.

track_transaction(transaction, session, visitor)

Combines _addTrans(), _addItem() (indirectly) and _trackTrans() of GA Javascript client.

class pyga.requests.TransactionRequest(config, tracker, visitor, session, transaction)

The GA Javascript client doesn’t send any custom variables for e-commerce requests, so we don’t either.


Marker implementation


The GA Javascript client doesn’t send any visitor information for e-commerce requests, so we don’t either.